
SOSINA Exploration Ltd.

Management and History

Management and History

SOSINA was founded in 2004 and based on a business model whereby the company obtained an equity stake in projects, partnering with various operators, in exchange for specific technical expertise.

The current business model sees SOSINA operating as a conventional partner, contributing financially and where appropriate supplying technical expertise. SOSINA contributes specialist experience and knowledge in geological and geophysical studies and where appropriate, the supervision and interpretation of seismic inversion and modelling projects on behalf of its partnerships.

Chairman John Odegaard enjoys the smell of oil recovered from the 50/11-3 Hook Head appraisal well (Photo courtesy of Providence Resources Ltd)


SOSINA Exploration Ltd. is an independent oil and gas exploration company. The Company was founded in 2004, but with roots back as a sister company to the company Odegaard Ltd. acquired in 2006 by Schlumberger Inc.

SOSINA's active oil and gas portfolio includes offshore interests in Ireland and the UK. SOSINA's portfolio is balanced between appraisal and exploration assets. Comprehensive information on SOSINA and its oil and gas portfolio is available from SOSINA's website at