
SOSINA Exploration Ltd.

SOSINA changes office address in Aberdeen

1 July 2007

The 1st of July SOSINA changed office address in Aberdeen. The second office will enable SOSINA more direct access to the UK oil industry. One of the advantages is the better opportunities for recruitment of experienced geologists, geophysicists, and engineers. The new recruited Senior Geophysicist Angela Spence will start working at the new address.

The main office of SOSINA is located at Duncannon Street in London.

The address of the second office in Aberdeen is the following:

1 Berry St
AB25 1HF
Tel: +44 1224 845464


David J. Davies

Managing Director

SOSINA Exploration Ltd

Mob: +44 (0)7703 293 649

Golden Cross House

8 Duncannon Str

London WC2N 4JF

Tel: +44 (0)207484 5071

Fax +44 (0)20 7884 5100

1 Berry St


AB25 1HF

Tel: +44 1224 845464

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SOSINA Exploration Ltd. is an independent oil and gas exploration company. The Company was founded in 2004, but with roots back as a sister company to the company Odegaard Ltd. acquired in 2006 by Schlumberger Inc.

SOSINA's active oil and gas portfolio includes offshore interests in Ireland and the UK. SOSINA's portfolio is balanced between appraisal and exploration assets. Comprehensive information on SOSINA and its oil and gas portfolio is available from SOSINA's website at