SOSINA Exploration Ltd. SOSINA aims to identify potential oil and gas accumulations in co-operation with partners within the oil/gas industry.
SOSINA attempts to use high-tech methods in seismic reservoir characterization to reduce uncertainty in exploration and appraisal.
This reduction unlocks new plays and allows the development of previously marginal discoveries. |
| 21 January 2019 Approval of conversion of SOSINA’s Avalon Licence Option to Frontier Exploration Licence 2/19 SOSINA is pleased to provide the following update concerning our Licensing Option (“LO”) 16/27. ........Read more >> |
| 25 July 2018 2017 3D seismic data for FEL 3/04 Dunquin South received and initial evaluation complete. Interpretation confirms the presence of the large Dunquin South prospect. Large potential breach point imaged over Dunquin North prospect. Internal seismic reflectivity and velocities indicate Dunquin ridge to be of sedimentary origin. ........Read more >> |
| 19 July 2018 Large number of seabed pockmarks imaged on Newgrange site survey data Demobilisation of Gardlines M/V Kommandor has commenced. ........Read more >> |
| 4 April 2018 An extension to 31 March 2019 of the Newgrange licence allows for additional exploration to be done Acquisition of high resolution 2D seismic data and a well site survey are planned to commence summer 2018. ........Read more >> |
| 3 January 2018 TOTAL exercises option to farm-in to 35% of Druid/Drombeg/Diablo SOSINA is pleased to inform that TOTAL has selected to exercise its option to farm-in for a 35% interest and operatorship in FEL 2/14. ........Read more >> |

Our Licences Flare from the Hook Head well drilled in September 2007 Subscribe to news releases E-mail: |